Saturday, July 9, 2011

And back again! :)

Just when you think life has become stagnant and its only you who has not been moving since a long time,you dont realise that you have been making most of the moves,which go unnoticed.Not that all of them are in your favour,but you change,emerge,put a step forward,limp back 4 steps,but you still keep moving.Look back and i see wonderful memories of times which will never come back.Blink,and i see the things around.Peace,but something is amiss.Yet some compensation.Or is it? I wonder.I feel if whatever i do,whatever i say and whatever i assume,plan and put into action,is it what i really want or am i still holding on to time?Are the diversions in the plan,appropriate?Am i still driven by the vision that has led me to places or is it that my vision is missing some spots,one of which could be the lights that will light the space and the world around me.I wonder.I think,but not much. And i feel,dream,smile while i tuck those dreams somewhere near my heart,every dream,longed for,things asked for,prayed for,and thought over and over for.Well,when those dreams materialise is something which i don't fret about,now.Because,they change often and when they do, there is no point pondering over them if you know that they are gonna be wiped off your memory soon.
Such is life.Things happen,sometimes for reasons,many times for no reason,of which you find reasons somehow.You react,smile,fret,cry or laugh it out but you have to live with it.

My new blog

 Never had i thought i will be into reading again.But thanks 2020 and boredom, here we are. Well, i did a thing- i started documenting my th...