Friday, August 10, 2012

The windy city!!

As i write scattered miniscules of my random thoughts,winds are blowing too hard outside.The hot summer,though they say this year was a terrible one,has subsided and opened the way to cool breeze,downpours and windy days.The weather telecast just some time ago, informed about the rip currents  in waters today,suggesting to swim parallel to the shore.The mighty ducks have migrated,their quacking fading and emerging as they move about the lush green gardens.No sounds except the winds outside.Yesterday night,it rained.Quite heavily,that i almost got terrified.That typical stormy night and i was lost soon in nightmares of devils and ghosts.:-) Probably, too much of movies :-) Or blame the eerie silence and the lots of sounds,of rain,of the squirrel,who was probably running here and there,seeking shelter,or maybe the buzzing hoard of fireflies,which create beautiful impressions of lights,every now and then.Whatever,i am loving it.You can actually feel the raw freshness in air everytime you step out, making you realize there is a whole quality attached to life here.Technology,you name it and they have it.Organized,well planned and well implemented.More satisfaction,more smiles on faces you see around,more love for life. Everytime you go shop for veggies and fruits, you see so much of them,various forms,varieties,right from farms,unadultered,fresh with those sprinklers doing their part so well that it actually feels like raining shots of water on set intervals.You ponder,and then take the best varieties,peeking at the other trollies nearby and expressions on other faces as they buy along.Lakes,lots of them.Crystal clean roads and facilitated places.Amazing clothes,lots of stuff  in every nook and corner.You can try out new things on cooking as anything you name would be so easily available in any good store you enter.
Great traffic management and lots of greenery around.
And someone to hold on forever,meaning the world to you.
I am loving every bit of  it!! :-)
You never know life's got some surprises up there,till you keep glancing a bit longer!!


Preetilata【ツ】 said...

i love this place.Every time this blog is updated, my heart skips a beat.

Dew drops said...

I wonder if i deserve all your praise but a big Thanks:):):)

Preetilata【ツ】 said...

yes Mansi, you deserve all my praises. even more. it's me who is not capable enough to express how and what i feel whenever i read your blog posts. :)

Dew drops said...

You know what,you make me go for another one all the time :):) I guess this space will never die out this way :)

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