Friday, July 9, 2010


Expecting a good writeup with nothing much except a lot of hazy things in my typically complex mind and tagging it as serendipity is the height of confidence.:-) At times, i glare at my writeups,frames of my mind at various points of time,falashbacks which lead me to exlpore why and how i came up with a certain thing i wrote and i end up smiling or feeling weird at times.Offlate, i have developed that "leave it untold and unthought of " attitude towards certain things,things which would have pestered me,however small they would have been,things i would have thought of a lot,and i really feel great being a part of the new phenomeon.Isnt it cool to leave things,conversations,doubts uncleared and unresolved?Well, i dont know and dont want to either :-) Its very weird and depends from person to person.But,somewhere i feel, somethings left unsaid and undone change the entire flow of events - may change your life and affect others' too.But how does it matter? It doesnt,i guess because as they say, you cross roads all the time and whether you move with or against direction of wind,it doesnt make least of a difference,because the tortoise will also complete the race as will the rabbit, well,time taken,does matter,subject to choice.Lots of things on mind,so lots of complex and twisted words.Cant help it.:-) No serendipity as i had expected but still i opened up some vision on my thought process once again.:-)
READ at your own risk..:-)

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