Friday, April 22, 2011


They say,i had better become a writer,i too think the same.As i start to write, my hands decipher whats on my mind so well,that i feel awed reading it all later.Was i the one who drafted this?Was i the one who could think this big? But yes,restriction,thats where you get the point.How much do you want to pen down? How many thoughts you want to put out to readers who hardly know you?How much you want to control the urge to write and take the readers in teh sea of imagination that you swim in,whenever you start writing is the catch.Well, there are no rules, no constraints and no protocols. It doesnt matter even at the end of the day,how much information,facts or lies you put out,its all about perceptions.You may be damn honest about your opinions,but how it is being percepted upon,is what matters.Food for thought,eh?Not really,its all what everybody knows.You buy a book,read it but what if at the end of 100 odd pages,you dont believe the writer?You stop reading.Or skip the pages,or just read for sake of curiosity.Whatever,who cares.But for the writer,its his world of dreams that you are talking about here.Its about every thought that crossed his mind,at the time he was writing.Lovely,isnt it? That you get to decipher whats on someone's mind at a time.Is it really? Naah,he may be faking,man.But yes somewhere he has written coz hes a part of that process.
So much stuff fed to your grey cells at the same time? I am myself awed,cant help it.:-)

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