Sunday, July 7, 2013


Everytime i come back to my blog,i am filled with a nostalgia and a lil bit of consciousness.Mostly, a feeling deep down that although by each day,there's a part of me growing old, learning new things, more on the lines of "with age comes experience", some of my initial writings still depict  past states of my mind. States of my mind and a multitude of random thoughts at random moments, some of which are lost completely.But the writeups remain.  Basically, writing is a powerful form of speech,silent but much more powerful and logical than speech. Such is power of your thoughts,  that they create impressions in your mind before you blink an eye and you either hold on to them or let them go. Anyways,i don't have any agenda on my mind as always and am here to put my foot back on my page.

Let the grey cells work a bit and guess the subject of the below lines:

"What do you think and what you do,
No one knows,except for you.
Why don't you trust the heart when you should,
In a moment,you change "will" to "could".
And it becomes so difficult to choose the paths you lay,
leaving me alone to think while you make hay."

Mind,which keeps ticking all along, never stopping and over thinking just when it should relax(probably doing the opposite unless you know how to chill despite anything and everything :-))!

I feel lost after such a big break in writing...:-\

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