Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Healthy and Hearty!

This blog is a silly rambling of my pleasant surprises,in the foreign lands/India of people becoming all the more aware and strictly conscious of their health and mainly contains my experience of them,hitting the gym.

So, while i am totally free these days, i make it a point to go to the gym and try to maintain the serious attitude towards gymming, all credits to my husband and his unending love for fitness and the gym. Inspiration comes from within and at times, from those you love. After reading myself say yes/no/maybe ,while i make up my mind on whether i really want to go for the workout, i wearily get ready and get out before the laziness gets me.A 2 minute walk down, i am right there, and the gym is mostly swarming with people.Mainly ladies, who,after their husbands are gone for work, kids having left for school, after being  done with calling their families,friends or relatives,get some "me-time" and take up the charge to be in shape.Some of them,weared out by their daily chores, walk on the treadmills,in a mundane manner, and give up after few minutes,heading back to some pending daily chores,the list never ends, i tell you :). While some, i call them mini inspirations,run,run and run,pacing forth, altering their speeds,just enough to burn the right amount of calories,in right time limits.Who says women don't do their homework? High intensity cardio followed by crunches and stretches,some people,just do it all perfectly and set great example and inspiration for others like me, to be regular and sweat it out.Now that i am regular and  a regular runner,i feel proud somewhere,sometimes :-p.But cheers to some aunties and uncles who in their mid fifties and sixties,turn up in the gyms almost everyday at their designated times, work upto their strengths and brave the next generation gap each day,setting examples for the youth.To sacrifice sleep and see the morning bliss.And i am pleasantly surprised.And as i return back home and see some senior couples on the way,holding hands,walking together,slowly and peacefully, i feel glad and happy for them.And i am pleasantly surprised yet again.An year ago, in a popular gym, i used to attend an aerobics class early mornings.And i was regularly accompanied by some ladies,who had daughters of my age, working at some aerobics steps, much better and consistently,than i and many others did.I was inspired,truly. Memorizing aerobics steps,a bunch of them,took me some days,and thanks to some lessons by some of those ladies themselves, i started loving those classes.Though aerobics didn't work, thanks to my erratic work schedules back then ,and many other excuses,but it still showered me with lots of inspiration to work upon fitness.And many sessions of standing next to senior people,running on treadmills and cardio workouts later, i feel that inspiration is always around,you just need to look past yourself.

And thanks to unlimited doses of such inspiration, i feel fit,beautiful and confident by each day.Ofcourse,hard work and much of it paid too :)

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