Saturday, February 17, 2007

Some things are just meant to happen, however hard u may try,
How hard u smile can’t really be happy if only u r destined to cry.

When u curse urself for what happened to u,
When u want to change urself and start fresh and new.

When u really bother how u will be escaping the pain,
When what u thought was a boon suddenly turns out to be a bane.

When u don’t intend to, but end up hurting someone,
When facing the reality is the only alternative, but u still can’t control the urge to run.

When u can’t help saying what u don’t want to say,
When u feel it’s impossible to keep some thoughts at bay.

What u had thought would be bad ,seems out to be worse,
Once so outspoken, u now become sharp and terse.

When u don’t think u can really cope,
When u try everything and end up losing courage and hope.

You should really think its all a part of the big game,
And not force upon decisions when u urself sound confused and lame.

For the journey of life is not as smooth as one thinks,
Fearing odd situations u can’t just end up breaking those links.

And some people who care should really matter to u,
U shud really feel lucky even if they r not many but few.

U should face the situation being calm and bold,
And leave it to destiny to let some things unfold……..


Vikas Gupta said...

did someone say its not poetic..he s an idiot!!! its really great!!!

Dew drops said...

hey vikas..nobody is an idiot..its about how u relate to a poem...thanx for the comments ..bcoz comments keep me inspired to write more!!

dawar said...

This is one of your best and one of best i have read because I am not much in reading.....
But still I want to appreciate your work as how beautifully you have narrated the truth in such a poetic style.
Its simply great and I really feel this is one of your best creation.

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