Saturday, October 10, 2009

The good bad bye!!

The thought of this bye thing has been creeping in my mind since this evening.I have felt the " Bye syndrome" millions of times so finally decided to convert it into words.

So, so, so..Ever felt a tinge of pain and loneliness saying that Bye as a phone conversation ends with your dear ones..Ever felt a surge of momentarily sadness at putting down the receiver?Ever felt it difficult to speak those last words"Take care " as you end a lovely relationship? Ever felt a Strange sensation as a person u like a lot, departs to his own woven world, saying you "Bye , Stay in touch" ???If the answers are yes, you arent the stone hearted man/woman you think you are..:-)

Jokes apart, i just mean to capture that beautiful moment of realisation. realisation of a seperation, a detachment from what was on your mind and heart few minutes r years back, as the case maybe!!Dont know whether it happens with all or not, but happens a lot with me.I talk to my family often but at times, that "Bye" makes me feel nostalgic and lonely, makes me realise that i am far from them, i am not an active part of their world, or when talking to a friend after missing her a lot, that "Bye" makes me remember the times of bonding, or when in a difficult situation and turning upto friends for sympathy calls( read funny but true),the " bye" there makes me feel that howver close they can be, they can never fight in a way your inner strength can...Also, bidding farewell to people i know, makes me feel strange,detached and makes me realise that i will be building my survival mechanisms somewhere else, leaving behind memories, places, things and all......

Sounds hopeless, doesnt it..:)

But truth is that, emotions reside in every heart.Everybody feels the hurt.Everybody blooms with happiness at success and acheivement,.Everybody mourns the loss of something or someone dear.But, the intensity is different.The way energies are chanelised is different.The rescue operations, i.e. how to cope factor determines how strong or weak one is..
But they say, to each his own, so let it be..:)
Life is all about variety...Millions of people, trillions of emotions..:)
Bye take care

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