Saturday, October 10, 2009

O re manwa tu to bawra hai!!

Tu hi jane tu kya sochta hai bawre, jo barse sapne boond boond, naino ko moond ke..kaise me chalun , dekh na sakun, anjane raste, gunja sa hai koi ektaara....Rut hai ye dol pal ki ya rahegi sada, kise pata!!

How beautiful and meaningful.... Ohk, this is again a blog which glorifies the meaning of the amazing song from Wake up Sid, but it was worth giving it a shot!!
Ah..i will try not to bring up those stories of emotions again, try not promise.. :):)

Heart, man, dil, many names of the beautiful relationship maker and breaker( Lol) Heart!! how beautiifully captured are the above lines, centered around the heart, the actions that one takes all dependent on what heart says. risk being that if things dont turn the way they should, u cant blame anybody else except u and ur heart ofcourse!! (Lol)

Yes, the context here is that even from the darkness of an uncertain future, not thinking of consequence,, people fall into love, to fall or rise for that matter, all credit/blame going to their desicions and ultimately to heart/mind(Read follow ur heart/mind) .
Often, when we think logically, we land up in safe investments, of time, love and effort.
But if we follow our hearts, we enter a risk Zone, shared by both you and the one you love, both subsiding fear of losing each other, ultimately coming up from fear which turns into a trust.Here, the workds depict the same feeling of fear, of walking in dark and capturing the light of love, confused as to whether the light is true or not...
Beautiful, isnt it..Now next time you hear the song, i bet you will find more meanings of the song!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mast hai Yaar!!
Sahi hai You started writing again

My new blog

 Never had i thought i will be into reading again.But thanks 2020 and boredom, here we are. Well, i did a thing- i started documenting my th...