Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Of keeping in touch!

There are certain times,you feel strange about the way you handle contacts(aka people who are forgotten just when you find your new worlds). And i feel weird at what i do myself too.I still have crystal clear memories of my own,of being with the most lovely friends at work,of the times we spent together,gossiping in cafeterias about who is going with whom,who is doing what and even a single leaf moving would be tracked,thanks to our discussions at breakfast. Well, we would,like many others in IT,talk at length about our disappointments with the system(read the lead and the management) and the way things are being handle out there,the way they could have been better if Mr X would have been handling the team than Ms Y.High end stuff,we could just help them develop a sound framework of "efficient" people,given the chance for that matter.But as it is to no opinions about opinions,we would dwell in our own little world of happiness and carefreeness which the lower levels in the ladder of success,ah or  management meant.Well, i bragged too much about work.Now it is to people who i have cared for,who have made place in my heart and would be remembered,every now and then.Loneliness is a big teacher,the moment you start feeling lonely,or less entertained,all those people who spent that amazing time with you,just come fresh in your memories and you admire the time you had.Strange isnt it?So,i was just wondering if being in touch is good,or letting go?Being in touch adds upto expectations,which require all those people to be on the same page as you,which is highly uncertain,and which amounts to a short lived,sentimental stint of following up and then letting go,sweet bitter style.I just let go at times,i dont hold onto much of my contacts.Not that i don't remember them,but i just feel that bringing along a sense of belonging,beyond those documents,mails and forwarded mails included,get togethers,and unlimited gossip,requires a commitment and a long term connection,one which is reasonable and limited to a few people,who just end up making a permanent space in your life,and are irreplacable,and the rest,cutting up for make shift zones in those areas of your hearts and minds,which follow simple rules of pileup,empty soon,get,set and go again.While those who stay there always may not be so much in touch,but they always end up bringing a smile on your face or a light in your eyes,or probably a slight rememberance with an admiring thought attached to them.Such is life, we hardly know how we choose to hang up,but we do make choices,stick to them,work them up and build beautiful relationships,with people whom we wish to  talk to forever,without even thinking of hanging up...

P.S.: Everyone is still remembered though!

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