Friday, August 31, 2012


They say pen is a big weapon.It surely is and at times,it could be one of your best friends.For me,well, i plan to be here at my space,for many more years,i hope.Escapades, are the certain somethings that do exactly what your best friend from school would do,helping you escape your agonies, letting you blurt out all thats been kicking in your mind,since sometime.Well,writing is an escapade for me,the saviour which helps me get in touch with my thoughts again, or lets me think over and over that i can still "write" exactly the way i  have always wanted to and lets me recollect and rethink of old times, and leaves me awed at the questions and thoughts which spur up in the moment i start to write.And with those episodes of Sex and the city, i feel all the more mesmerized by carrie bradshaw and the art of writing,and the beautiful concept of putting up columns from real events,ending them with a perfect one liner. Penchant for writing,maybe,i love it when i see rich use of words,the twisted and the subtle lines making you wonder whats more to a few letters put to make a sense, having an impact that you get to ponder,and figure it out later on.And for that matter, i love art too.I love deciphering dot. Deciphering the art pieces,trying to figure out what the artist may have been upto while putting up strokes,those weird fading images having such deep imagination,that you could actually make stories out of your opinions.Artists must be gods,for they do magic on the canvas,the not so obvious strokes,images,mixing and matching of colours, all turning to a bubbling,lively or a grim,desolate one,putting life to a blank canvas sheet and making a masterpiece out of it. In our lives,we do find and turn upto escapades too.So, you had a fight  with someone,lend a ear and start putting the details right away.Or you could simply think it over,shutting your mind,trying hard to grasp the events.Oh, someone said you something he/she wasnt supposed to,go complain to someone else.Tired of boss' antics,call friends,or guys,probably move on with a drink or a self assuring pat.Lost a game, turn up the stakes by practising harder. Suspecting infidelity,go look around,flirt  with someone for a while.Let down at a failure,blabber and work on everything possible, to give a boost to the lost confidence and the spirit.Ego wars,hurt yourself,or someone else, before you could have your peace back.We just ruin ourselves a bit,here and there,somewhere to get rid of suffering.Talk of escapades,its all a need to be taken back to the track. Ofcourse, the one who said the journey is going to be a long one was a wise man.Because the journey is a long,taxing one and you lose yourself so many times,before you get together the bits and pieces to turn up the power pauses to a finish,beautiful in its own ways.And well about the escapades, they will always be there all the time.Silly nothings or big somethings, forgotten the next moment,you feel back on track.And as i read somewhere, the thing about needs is that when you feel them met,you no more think about needing them anymore.

P.S. :Life is a one big escape celebrated at the end of so many little escapades, you just have to figure out the big day,and move on till then..

1 comment:

Mads... said...

nice thoughts the way u can go on and on..good!!:):)

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