Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The vivid Fall!!

As each day gets closer to my dreamy snowfall season, i just cant get enough of the fall too. A casual stroll in awesome weather in a nearby preserve just left me enriched with the beauty of fall here.The yellow,reds,greens and browns just leave you awe inspired by their beauty and splendour.Fall is one of those times when nature is at its beautiful best.As i clicked this picture and looked above just after that,the faded blue of the late morning sky between tall trees with their yellow leaves,and a slight breeze crossing my face, i just closed my eyes and it became one of those moments when you feel so close to peace. Isnt it so romantic when,as you walk by from nearby gym, in an adrenaline rush,and a cool breeze just sways you along,making you feel elated and the music from headphones,adding to the joy. :-)I love that moment enough to drag myself to gym many times :-P. But yes, those tall trees and the beautiful leaves falling from them,adorning the path, make a perfect walk of happiness.And the mystic beauty of it all just makes me wonder,how seasons change and make life beautiful all around.Just like these leaves fall from the trees, making way for others, to follow their own cycles,they just remind us of the love,care and commitment needed to  make our lives and  those around us beautiful.

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