Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Sometimes some strange things happen which take my composure away like wind.Like today itself, i did a blunder in office by misunderstanding the client timings for my interview scheduled to be today, and thought it is scheduled for tomorrow.And made a mess of it by topping it with my failed attempts to converse to onshore team via Company's boardline facility. I had to call on an ISD Number and to my dismay, there is no ISD availability on my connection.Alas, all doors seemed to be closing at that instant.Finally, after frantic efforts, the interview could not take place as the client was unable to hear anything except static and is rescheduled again.But it left me feeling full of guilt and irresponsibility, and am surprised at how careless i become at times, to the height of neglecting my hearing, seeing and thinking abilities.God, its so crazy when you do not read the subject mail where date has been mentioned so well and you end up believing people who havent received the mail. :- On a serious note, first mistake of the year 2k10.

Makes me realise its high time i gear myself up, for the challenges, responsibilites and stop being the crib that i am.I should be holding my mind high with my head.Time is moving, will never stop but why does my mind stop exactly at the point time starts flowing fast?? Mad. Everywhere around, i see people at peace, enjoying being with their family, friends, even rejoicing minutest of the minute things while i crib and cry and fail to remind myself that theres more to life than problems,and they must be handled single handedly and single mindedly, but not with the views of 10 people around you.Coz u know the worth of ur desicions and u will have to face the same, not those 10 odd people. Sometimes, i lose synchronisation between mind and heart, my heart says "go for it" while my mind wanders in the silly calculations of how the "it" will not be good for me, making it all so complex. I keep on fighting the battle between mind and heart while some important things which deserve great attention remain unnoticed, untouched and then a blunder happens.And wakes me up finally. Dont know how and why it happens, but its kind of crazy !!


Animesh said...
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Mads... said...

heyy..what has happened to you re..din't xpected this 4m you..lol..:P i think u need sum proper rest, n dont take too much strain..chill yr..hehe..neways..it was nicely penned experience..hope u nd i nd every1 learns from such things...!

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