Monday, August 23, 2010

A Great start of the week..

Beautiful day today.Rainy and pleasant weather,pleasant things happening all day long.Some surprises and happiness hidden almost in every small thing that happened today.At times,you do not need big reasons to be happy.And thanks to the day,i am happy over some really small things,that brought big smiles.Evening was all the more beautiful,especially the way back home from an early off from office.Beautiful orange silver clouds adorned the sky while i listened to my favourite numbers,lost in some things and smiles came on their own.Gazing at clouds were never that beautiful as today,except once at a look below from above in a flight journey at night.The orange hues and the grey clouds along with a festive puja outside teh society,created the so called festive spirit.And it felt great praying in the evening today.Wow,wish all days could be the same.And my brother called up for a raksha bandhan wish and asked me to choose a gift for myself.Nice surprise and made me feel really good.:-) At times,you do not need an uplift when you see such brightness around.And all your sadness vanishes like it never existed.You start loving life instantly and everything around.I carry one more very special and sweet memory of the day with me which was transient but nice.:-)Tomorrows is a holiday and thats making me elated.
Thanks to the almighty !!You really make me understand that there is so much to life that you cant be feeling lost when you have so much to gain and bring me up from gloom just when i start feeling lost!! :-)

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