Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Just some silly ones!!!

One of my favourite passtimes is changing statuses on Facebook.Those one liners come up from nowhere and make way for my favourite statuses and at times leave me wondering of my ability to come upto such complex conclusions.
Some of them are already banging in my head:
Loosen up the strings,before that new shoe starts hurting you,
Why do you always end up making the worst bargain ,even when you try so few!!!
They say,you should try even if you fail,
But why dont they send for someone,while alone,you fret and wail.
Failures are lessons,not mistakes,
but i wonder do they ever increase your stakes??
I forget everything,except the simple thought that i need to forget you,
Its like ,on the lush ground where i stand today,how can i forbid myself from seeing the sky above,so blue.
I tried my best to make you win,but now the game is all yours,
to leave it silently without making a noise,or to change its course.

If you feel your silence makes a mark,you better forget it,
because those who are meant to hear,wil never do so,i bet it.

When it comes to giving/taking chances,believe in the sixth sense,
If you wish so,the present doesnt always becomes the past tense.

And lots more to continue shortly....:-)

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