Sunday, August 26, 2012

Building castles!!

So, it was a short and unplanned trip to a beach, a national park to be in particular.Rainy day and pleasant weather made it promising to pack up few things for a  so called "picnic" and we reached pretty soon. The best thing about going out,or the weekends is the guilt free indulgence in almost everything edible plus no workouts. Not that it doesnt matter.It really does,alas. :( Anyways,the best part- the drizzle,and the water.Amazing time.Floating and playing with water was never so much fun.The water droplets falling on your face,just when you try to float around,listening to the sounds of a tide nearby, is so heavenly.As we enacted scenes of "simran" and "Raj" running to meet each other in waist deep water and laughed crazy later, i realized that it was such a great thing to be not noticed and do whatever you want,with people not judging you for what you do,wear,say, bla bla and so on.This thing is so not there in India, to our dismay.Castles,i love them,except that they take a lot in terms of that salty sand on your clothes and your hands. We saw a small bucket near shore and in a moment, we were already making our own small hut :).Funny but i liked the effort :). A day well spent,it rained throughout all along the way.

Something that always amazes me about nature is that the moment you are there,amidst its beauty-the waters rustling,winds blowing and the sea and  sky mixing beautifully,or the luscious greens,amazing flowers  and the bright sunshine like the gold,you feel so at peace,with everything around seeming so pure and fresh,and  when you get lost in your "come to real terms" mundane routine,you long for that peace.


Mads... said...

woww...what a lovely-dovely trip u hd:) good going! could feel yr words..nicely described!

Dew drops said...


My new blog

 Never had i thought i will be into reading again.But thanks 2020 and boredom, here we are. Well, i did a thing- i started documenting my th...