Thursday, August 2, 2012


All you need is a tequila shot to blurt out all on your mind,just when the right thing would be to let it go and not talk about it??Oh really?? Perhaps,the easiness to speak up when you are on a high does it.And you end up talking,talking and talking.Putting out all those splinters that you have had subdued somewhere,to be used at a better time and place.

Why i wrote the above lines all of a sudden?Probably that has been on my mind since sometime.I feel like a zombie, attempting to write about tequila,in dead night,when all i can hear is the typing of my keyboard.Probably this space does it.The freedom of moulding and creating my own stories,limited stories makes me do so.Or is it the time again when i am feeling the urge to start writing again.No content though.Actually, some content but i dont want to include myself in my writings.Only the wayward thoughts,no real life. :-)  Real life ..umm.. its better,new and different.Dot.I miss loads of things though- gossips and cafeteria time in the office the most :) I feel losing an older me to a newer changed,less observant,more into histrionics of kitchen, me :) Better but somewhere i miss that abstractness. Well, time.Time does it all.Dot.


Preetilata【ツ】 said...

yeah!!! and and here's come the much awaited blogpost from my favorite blogger.

i always end up reading whatever you write many times. and i still don't feel satisfied. such is the extent of the brilliance in whatever you write. it always makes me want for more. more means MORE & MORE.

and no you are not changing but transforming to a better you.

"..more into histrionics of kitchen, me." - wow! what a way to convey and express. Kudos to you girl.

Wish you a very happy life. loads of love. :)

Dew drops said...

Oh,am really amazed that someone still reads my space.:-) And wow,that was something!!You life up my spirits so well.. Thanks.and here you are my religious reader :)Thanks and same to you girl!!

Dew drops said...

And preeti,you made me write one more :)

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