Saturday, August 18, 2012


A single word holding a lot of meaning. Pretence or the art of acting what you are not,at times when you should exactly do that.I wonder if i could learn the art of pretending,and becoming what i am not,but i am supposed to be,to just wear the magician cap and do magic,to my and other lives surrounding me.Oh,if it was all that easy! In times of distress,pretence works wonders,be it composure,be it the silence,be it the art of indifference,or be it coaxing other's egos at the cost of your faltering self respect to work out things.But only if you are good at it.I see it all around.Workplaces,relationships,friendships,competitors,and even the biggest enemies- people pretending to be the "Good better best " all the time,just to complicate the chances of recognizing who ditched when,where and how to be found later on. In the spell of  lots of twisted tongues,not hesitating to praise,coax and convince you of being the best, those rehearsed,over the pitch,measuring sweet enough( risking you a diagnosis of diabetes) one liners in your appreciation,and those fake mouth wide open smiles,lies a world anew- a world of clever games,a modified barter system,wherein you just get all the false self motivation for some small favours you do,once in a while.
Pretence,only if could learn you!

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