Wednesday, August 15, 2012

To the walks once again!!

I am about to blabber some more about one of my favourites,walk,all over again.So, yesterday, after so many days,i again felt a strange poise and delight at the odd 3 rounds i made around my block that felt out of the world,yet again.As i put on my shoes reluctantly(i believe a gym session is enough to rid you of mindless eating :-)), blame the developed consciousness to be fit,i grabbed the ipod and had in mind some walking,avoiding the famous,stereotypical Dee Park,which would be as usual brimming with kids,toddlers,pets,older ones playing cards,and aunties gossiping as they try some asanas ,giving an air of Indianness about the whole area. Somehow, i tapped on a devotional album and bhajans started playing on the ipod.I adjusted the earplugs to get an amplified effect as they sounded so divine.The clouds,in orange streaks and purple puffs, let some gleaming sun rays to fall on some of the lucky houses of the society, creating a fairytale effect.The whiff of air playing with the flowery plants,rendered a beautiful scent,as i paced from a footpath to other, enjoying the chants and the sinking in the purity of the bhajan that sounded so melodious,invoking in me,memories of the neighbourhood temple and a feeling that,somewhere i should remember to pray.Those odd 3 rounds made me so happy within,invigorating the lost connection,settling me in a familiarity,a sense of connecting with oneself, though shortlived.The lush greens, ladies walking their babies in prams,couples heading together,all to the Dee Park ,to seek solace in treading a mile or two,around the green cricket ground, the tennis court and volleyball area,watching others around,shouting and making merry.And after some time,when the orange sun finally gives off to a red and its time for the night to take over,they shall recede to their homes,through the same paths,giving directions to their kids to walk on inside corners,to be seen tomorrow the same time.Routines, they manage to keep us on toes,for a purpose.
And soon after,i came home and prayed.Felt so goood and different.

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